Brisco > Firefly

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Space-poc, TV, Wild West.

  I don’t mean better. That’s not what I’m saying. But it is true that It’s been 25 years since Brisco County, Jr. rode across the screen. Yes, I’m late to the party. I had a buddy who really liked the show when it was airing in the early ’90s. I never bothered to look… Read more »

Cayrels Ring

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Comics, Kickstarter, Machinations, Space-poc, Writ Fict.

  I just read these: The issues were funded one at a time through Kickstarter. I missed all of those (One, Two, Three). But my guy at The 8th Dimension Comic Store hooked me up. I waited til I had all three to dive in. Glad I did. The story is good and the art… Read more »

Again With The ’80s

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  Feast on this triptych! What a setting! Twilight: 2000, Cyberpunk and High Colonies were among my favourite games of the ’80s and early ’90s. I never got around to layering them together in any formal way. But I sometimes — even now — fever dream about what could have been. Then I watch Outland.

A Dim View of ’19

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  That’s what the ’80s had. It was dystopias as far as the eye could see: Blade Runner (’82), The Running Man (’87) and Akira (’88) are all set in 2019. It seems the stress of the Cold War-ending Reagan era was a sweet-spot match with the (more or less) single generation distance of that… Read more »

Buffy Ho-Tep

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About that Bar Fight

Posted by & filed under Bars!, BLOG, D&D, Rogue Trader, Roleplay, RuneQuest, Skirmish, WFRP.

I’ve made some headway in my ongoing mission to get into a Spaceport Bar Brawl. But first, let’s talk about the fantasy fights I’ve found. White Dwarf — bless ’em — have been particularly keen. They published four from Feb ’79 to July ’98. First, naturally, we have First Age D&D: Print the above brawl’s… Read more »

Brit Wars

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Skirmish.

Continuing the 41-year cycle, what’s next?:     I’m a huge fan of ’38. Go HERE And I’m a big fan of ’79. Go HERE What does 2020 have in store I wonder? Something along the lines of this: Or (or maybe and) this: Though I guess if you want to be cautious you could… Read more »