
Posted by & filed under BLOG, Illuminati WhAM, Skirmish, Space-poc.

Most rules game either historical order or fictional chaos. I’m interested in what skirmishes will look like during the transition period from the former state to the latter. What does war look like when — while — every nation is falling apart? [See my earlier post HERE.] [See Also: cycles within patterns?] Yyeeaarrs ago I… Read more »

Giving Thanks

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Space-poc, Thanks, Theirs.

On this Sunday I thought I’d mention some figs I just came across this past week. I am thankful they exist, and you’ll be too. First, the explorer who made me realize the world needs more chicks with picks. I give you Miss Abigail Halsey: You can learn about her on the Mythos the Game… Read more »


Posted by & filed under BLOG, Encounter Critical, Kickstarter, Metamorphosis Alpha, Mutants and Death Ray Guns, Space-poc, WARBAND!.

Short version: Back The Starship Warden Kickstarter [But you’ve less than a week.] More interesting version: Per my earlier post — HERE — I’ve given quite a bit of thought to the Starship Warden as a relict and derelict megadungeon in space, a megalict if you will. In Rogue Trader terms the Warden — given… Read more »

Were they the same guy?

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Morrow Project, Space-poc.

I was recently reminded of the Georgia Guidestones so I poked around about them again. I’ve done so briefly in the past and moved on. This time though, something struck me that hadn’t before. Compare this excerpt from The Morrow Project: … with the History of the Stones. I’m pretty sure Bruce Edward Morrow was… Read more »

Damnation Van Die Drop!

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Encounter Critical, Space-poc.

I knocked this together *checks files* three years ago? Wow! Anyway, a few days ago I decided to finish it up and finally get it posted.     [It’ll print best if you use a US Letter Borderless paper setting. And you might want to massage the image scale so it fills the sheet and… Read more »

Brisco > Firefly

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Space-poc, TV, Wild West.

  I don’t mean better. That’s not what I’m saying. But it is true that It’s been 25 years since Brisco County, Jr. rode across the screen. Yes, I’m late to the party. I had a buddy who really liked the show when it was airing in the early ’90s. I never bothered to look… Read more »