But, do you really trust Venom?
Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bko5GgK5v8&list=PLDNCCj46C34AgW7314tDcizn8qFcoENLO Give cash.
What are the odds!?
I saw these two vids today, both for the first time, and both within a few hours of each other. Music-wise, what are the freaking odds? https://www.tumblr.com/operatorsgonnaoperate/151854109814/ltc-kilgore-ozsploitation-libfas-british
Any Hobbit who runs …
Welcome to the Second Chapter* in my ongoing comparative literary analysis of The Hobbit and The Five Fingers. [*Chapter 1]
Saturday Morning Khartoums!
While not quite as perfect a back-to-back double bill as the Zulu flicks, Khartoum and The Four Feathers are still chocolate and peanut butter. At almost four and-a-half hours, if you start early they’ll carry you through to lunch! If you get up late I guess you can watch the first movie then break for… Read more »
Death Waves
Death Ship and Shock Waves These two pretty good movies are even better back-to-back. In fact, they’re such a great double feature they could be cut together with surprisingly little editing or imagination. [EDIT: Just when you think your life can’t possibly be made any better, Bob Murch walks into the bar: The Black Sun… Read more »
I have a theory
(Planet of the) Apes travel back in time from the far, far, faaaaar future to conquer pre-Apocalypse earth with their giant lizard cyaborg. We are saved by the real giant lizard and — ironically — Caesar, from whom the Ape founder took his name. Also explains the Apes’ desire to get control of the… Read more »
Dave Arneson, GOAT
I just watched Secrets of Blackmoor: It’s really good. Those guys remind me of when I first joined Trumpeter as a kid all those decades ago. This doc makes a nice complement to Rob Kuntz’s book Dave Arneson’s True Genius. I hope they do make Part 2.
Again With The ’80s
Feast on this triptych! What a setting! Twilight: 2000, Cyberpunk and High Colonies were among my favourite games of the ’80s and early ’90s. I never got around to layering them together in any formal way. But I sometimes — even now — fever dream about what could have been. Then I watch Outland.