They’ve Reached Vancouver

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Encounter Critical, Writ Fict.

  Remember a few years ago when I was banging on about Vanpires? [HERE and HERE] Well … Spotted at dusk last night. Oh, and back in ’06 I had a short story published in Neo-Opsis Science Fiction Magazine. Seems like the right time to mention it; it’s called “N0S 4A2.”

Cayrels Ring

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Comics, Kickstarter, Machinations, Space-poc, Writ Fict.

  I just read these: The issues were funded one at a time through Kickstarter. I missed all of those (One, Two, Three). But my guy at The 8th Dimension Comic Store hooked me up. I waited til I had all three to dive in. Glad I did. The story is good and the art… Read more »

Remember, Remember the 5th of Moldvember!

Posted by & filed under BLATHER, D&D, Dungeon Crawl, Lamentations, Moldvay, Swords & Wizardry, Writ Fict.

Today is November 5th. It’s Tom Moldvay‘s birthday. He’d have turned 70. Sadly we lost him when he was only 58. That’s him there, seated in the middle. [I was directed to this pic by my friend James Maliszewski (of Grognardia, Dwimmermount and The Excellent Travelling Volume).] Note the moustache. I’m celebrating mister Moldvay’s birthday… Read more »

Spaceport Bars and the Brawlers Who Love Them

Posted by & filed under Bars!, BLOG, Comics, Encounter Critical, Hexworld, Mutants and Death Ray Guns, Rogue Trader, Skirmish, Space-poc, Star Frontiers, Traveller, Writ Fict, X-plorers.

This post was inspired by this one over on the amazing Atomic Rockets. I’m going to talk about two of my favourite things, science fiction and drinking establishments. Or as I like to call it Science Drinking. Under the subheading Star-Town I discovered the first of these covers: It looked cool so I went digging… Read more »

Go Team One-eye!

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Writ Fict.

So this just happened: It’s pretty cool if you like cults, caves and monsters. And if you don’t why are you here? But more importantly, this: Go team Cyclops!

Holtzman Shield

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Film, Writ Fict.

I want a fig with one of these: If Cameron Hodge can have one I want one too. But how to put one on a fig? I’ve got a couple of these to try it out: I’m thinking split the force field off Dr. Banner there, glue it around a different — though equally wooden-posed… Read more »