Spaceport Bars and the Brawlers Who Love Them

Posted by & filed under Bars!, BLOG, Comics, Encounter Critical, Hexworld, Mutants and Death Ray Guns, Rogue Trader, Skirmish, Space-poc, Star Frontiers, Traveller, Writ Fict, X-plorers.

This post was inspired by this one over on the amazing Atomic Rockets. I’m going to talk about two of my favourite things, science fiction and drinking establishments. Or as I like to call it Science Drinking. Under the subheading Star-Town I discovered the first of these covers: It looked cool so I went digging… Read more »

Honesty is the best policy

Posted by & filed under BLOG, D&D, Dungeon Crawl, Lamentations, Metamorphosis Alpha, Mutants and Death Ray Guns, Roleplay, Skirmish, Song of Blades, Star Frontiers, Tékumel, Traveller, WARBAND!, X-plorers.

I recently realized something about the shenanigans of published RPG articles, modules and supplements that throws off my various 3d6-in-order, etc. converters for Mutants and Death Ray Guns and Song of Blades and Heroes. The characters in those RPG books were statted to be the class the writers wanted them to be for the story… Read more »

What if that “cloud of space radiation” was in fact …

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Metamorphosis Alpha, Rogue Trader, Roleplay, Skirmish, X-plorers.

the Eye of Terror? I mean, this … looks a lot like this: I’m thinking temporal anomaly combined with dimension shift or parallel jump. A world without string! It’s a cool way to set some Rogue Trader skirmish gaming or X-plorers roleplaying in a new environment. If this idea is good enough for Star Trek,… Read more »