Viet Kong!

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Film.

Two great tastes that taste great together! And walking into the theatre I noticed this poster: Perfect. Do yourself a favour, go see it in IMAX. Soon, … soon, this guy’ll be striding the ruins of Seattle: He’s not Victor Kilo, but he is pretty cool. He’s a Heroclix colossal fig. See here (search for… Read more »

Well Played, Sirs!

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Comics, Space-poc, Theirs.

My congratulations to Messrs. Abnett and Eaglesham on this fine piece of work: It can be found in issue 1 of DC’s Kamandi Challenge ’17. Two Tigers, Great Caesar-approved: [Oh, OK, have some tanks: Click -> Königstiger ]


Posted by & filed under BLOG, Space-poc, TV.

Given: Simpsorama; The Rick and Morty guest couch gag on the Simpsons (Mathlete’s Feat); and This scene (from same): I want this to be a thing: Ideally during the third season of Rick and Morty. Make it happen, wonks! [Edit: Upon further consideration, I realized it’s appropriate to give the show still running its due…. Read more »

ÇNAPSHOT-30 taking shape

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Skirmish, Traveller.

I wanted to play some straight SNAPSHOT scaled up to 25-32mm so I tracked down this pic of the counter sheet from the original game: You can find it here on Grognardia. Since I replace the Character counters with (mostly) 28mm figs in my games I was really only after the Targeting and Explosion tokens…. Read more »


Posted by & filed under BLOG, Skirmish, Traveller.

I found pics of the two sides of the SNAPSHOT Chart. I also found the errata for the Chart. So I jacked the resolution of the images, corrected the tables with the errata and fixed a string of typos. Here you go: SNAPSHOT Chart front SNAPSHOT Chart back [Edit: You’re going to want a ruler… Read more »

ÇNAPSHOT takes shape

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Skirmish, Traveller.

I just got these: [Lulu. Here and here.] I’m now working on using the Cepheus Engine to drive Snapshot. Here’s an example of where I’m going: Skills in ÇNAPSHOT SNAPSHOT is a half-inch grid/15mm fig system. But, since I’m an exclusively 25-32mm guy I needed an appropriately scaled deck plan to play on. So I… Read more »

I thought I was pretty clever.

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Encounter Critical, Hexworld.

Turns out I was fairly clever. Just forty years late. So, I had this idea about a week ago: Hey, what if there was a vampiric van? Like, a, Vanpire. Yeah! Right? Well. Meanwhile, back in the ’70s: And in case you wanted to build your own 1/24 scale bloodmobile: That’s a veritable nest of… Read more »

Info Dump!

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Mutants and Death Ray Guns.

First, this: OK, much as I love Mutants and Death Ray Guns it does lack a few things I really want. So over the past while I’ve been working on a number of expansions and mods for MDRG. And now I’ve decided it’s high time I put them all in one place so I can… Read more »