Brisco > Firefly

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Space-poc, TV, Wild West.

  I don’t mean better. That’s not what I’m saying. But it is true that It’s been 25 years since Brisco County, Jr. rode across the screen. Yes, I’m late to the party. I had a buddy who really liked the show when it was airing in the early ’90s. I never bothered to look… Read more »


Posted by & filed under BLOG, Space-poc, TV.

Given: Simpsorama; The Rick and Morty guest couch gag on the Simpsons (Mathlete’s Feat); and This scene (from same): I want this to be a thing: Ideally during the third season of Rick and Morty. Make it happen, wonks! [Edit: Upon further consideration, I realized it’s appropriate to give the show still running its due…. Read more »

The Mind of Mindok!

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Mod, Mutant Future, TV.

My favourite Wizard from Thundarr the Barbarian is, bar none, Mindok the Mind Menace from the ep of the same name. Watch it now: Go ahead, I’ll wait. Done? Cül. OK so I’ve wanted a fig of Mindok for a good long while. I despaired of ever having one but then I discovered this… Read more »

It’s Matango’s Island

Posted by & filed under BLATHER, Film, Theirs, TV.

Matango is one of my favourite flicks. Love, love, love it! And Gilligan’s Island was good too. But let’s make one thing perfectly clear. It’s Matango’s Island! Good. Now that’s out of the way, I’ll tell you about a dream I’ve had. Two yachts wreck on opposite sides of a deserted island. Eventually the groups… Read more »