The Mind of Mindok!

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Mod, Mutant Future, TV.

My favourite Wizard from Thundarr the Barbarian is, bar none, Mindok the Mind Menace from the ep of the same name. Watch it now: Go ahead, I’ll wait. Done? Cül. OK so I’ve wanted a fig of Mindok for a good long while. I despaired of ever having one but then I discovered this… Read more »

Breaking Bard

Posted by & filed under BLATHER, Class, D&D, Fifth Age, Metamorphosis Alpha, Mod, Roleplay, Theirs.

Featuring … THE RIGHT HAND OF GLOOM Mom, Dad, is that you? A classic among classics; the original Citadel Noise Marine. A different bard, who rocks so hard. Star Bard, once the front man for the space-poc metal band Man’sLaughter, now tours solo. Ever since that night. The night the show went horribly wrong; he… Read more »