They’ve Reached Vancouver

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Encounter Critical, Writ Fict.

  Remember a few years ago when I was banging on about Vanpires? [HERE and HERE] Well … Spotted at dusk last night. Oh, and back in ’06 I had a short story published in Neo-Opsis Science Fiction Magazine. Seems like the right time to mention it; it’s called “N0S 4A2.”


Posted by & filed under BLOG, Encounter Critical, Kickstarter, Metamorphosis Alpha, Mutants and Death Ray Guns, Space-poc, WARBAND!.

Short version: Back The Starship Warden Kickstarter [But you’ve less than a week.] More interesting version: Per my earlier post — HERE — I’ve given quite a bit of thought to the Starship Warden as a relict and derelict megadungeon in space, a megalict if you will. In Rogue Trader terms the Warden — given… Read more »

I have a theory

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Encounter Critical, Film.

  (Planet of the) Apes travel back in time from the far, far, faaaaar future to conquer pre-Apocalypse earth with their giant lizard cyaborg. We are saved by the real giant lizard and — ironically — Caesar, from whom the Ape founder took his name. Also explains the Apes’ desire to get control of the… Read more »

Damnation Van Die Drop!

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Encounter Critical, Space-poc.

I knocked this together *checks files* three years ago? Wow! Anyway, a few days ago I decided to finish it up and finally get it posted.     [It’ll print best if you use a US Letter Borderless paper setting. And you might want to massage the image scale so it fills the sheet and… Read more »

Spaceport Bars and the Brawlers Who Love Them

Posted by & filed under Bars!, BLOG, Comics, Encounter Critical, Hexworld, Mutants and Death Ray Guns, Rogue Trader, Skirmish, Space-poc, Star Frontiers, Traveller, Writ Fict, X-plorers.

This post was inspired by this one over on the amazing Atomic Rockets. I’m going to talk about two of my favourite things, science fiction and drinking establishments. Or as I like to call it Science Drinking. Under the subheading Star-Town I discovered the first of these covers: It looked cool so I went digging… Read more »

I thought I was pretty clever.

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Encounter Critical, Hexworld.

Turns out I was fairly clever. Just forty years late. So, I had this idea about a week ago: Hey, what if there was a vampiric van? Like, a, Vanpire. Yeah! Right? Well. Meanwhile, back in the ’70s: And in case you wanted to build your own 1/24 scale bloodmobile: That’s a veritable nest of… Read more »