ÇNAPSHOT takes shape

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Skirmish, Traveller.

I just got these:


[Lulu. Here and here.]

I’m now working on using the Cepheus Engine to drive Snapshot.

Here’s an example of where I’m going: Skills in ÇNAPSHOT

SNAPSHOT is a half-inch grid/15mm fig system.

But, since I’m an exclusively 25-32mm guy I needed an appropriately scaled deck plan to play on. So I got these from Far Future Enterprises.

After cropping them and cleaning off the excess info I ran up the hill to my guy and had them printed at 200%.

Not bad …


All my human-size figs are on 1″/25mm round bases. At 200% the grid works perfectly.

Now we can all see what happens, When Space Ninjas Attack!


Both the 100-ton Scout/Courier and the 200-ton Free Trader scale up just right.

Here’s a great overview of SNAPSHOT on BoardGameGeek.

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