The Gray Champion of the ’20s

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Illuminati WhAM, Skirmish, Theirs.

I recently decided to look into the concept of The Fourth Turning: Turns out I’m not the only one thinking the ’20s are going to get even more interesting. And, since there’s already been some discussion, what if he is The Gray Champion?: Whether you decide to go with Spectre’s striding, or Dragon Bait’s shooting… Read more »


Posted by & filed under BLOG, Illuminati WhAM, Skirmish, Space-poc.

Most rules game either historical order or fictional chaos. I’m interested in what skirmishes will look like during the transition period from the former state to the latter. What does war look like when — while — every nation is falling apart? [See my earlier post HERE.] [See Also: cycles within patterns?] Yyeeaarrs ago I… Read more »