
Posted by & filed under BLOG, Encounter Critical, Kickstarter, Metamorphosis Alpha, Mutants and Death Ray Guns, Space-poc, WARBAND!.

Short version: Back The Starship Warden Kickstarter [But you’ve less than a week.] More interesting version: Per my earlier post — HERE — I’ve given quite a bit of thought to the Starship Warden as a relict and derelict megadungeon in space, a megalict if you will. In Rogue Trader terms the Warden — given… Read more »

Were they the same guy?

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Morrow Project, Space-poc.

I was recently reminded of the Georgia Guidestones so I poked around about them again. I’ve done so briefly in the past and moved on. This time though, something struck me that hadn’t before. Compare this excerpt from The Morrow Project: … with the History of the Stones. I’m pretty sure Bruce Edward Morrow was… Read more »