I’m about to start a MDRG campaign set on the Starship Birkenden. Here’s my command group: Their straight-up WYSIWYG stats are: They’re supported by these WYSIWYG birds: With these stats: That’s 400 points of poultry! Cyclops (-3) : Ranged attacks suffer a -1 penalty per range band (i.e., the first range stick is at -1,… Read more »
I think not.
Huckabear and Hodge
I present to you Huckabear the Paladin and Hodge, his faithful manservant. They’re statted for Lamentations below and for Song of Blades further down. Huckabear (as created and described on Blog of Holding) is a powerhouse and paragon. I made him a Paladin in my campaign by adapting the article at Knockspell 1, pg 18… Read more »