Unearthed Arcana, plus Miscasts!

Posted by & filed under BLATHER, Lamentations.

Another School of Magic for spells-without-level Lamentations.   Unearthed Arcana This lists the Magic-User spells recorded within the final First Age tome written by Mordenkainen.     and … I Make Miscasting FUN! Here are some semi-generic miscast tables by type of magic for use with spells-without-level Lamentations. They’re adapted from a list posted to… Read more »

White Dwarf’s Treasure Chest

Posted by & filed under BLATHER, Lamentations.

Here’s another School of Magic for spells-without-level Lamentations.   White Dwarf’s Treasure Chest     This school is named after the source of its secrets, a box of sheafs and scrolls stolen from the White Dwarf of the Isles. Some say he wants them back; others call bollocks to that. When determining a 1st Level… Read more »

Remember, Remember the 5th of Moldvember!

Posted by & filed under BLATHER, D&D, Dungeon Crawl, Lamentations, Moldvay, Swords & Wizardry, Writ Fict.

Today is November 5th. It’s Tom Moldvay‘s birthday. He’d have turned 70. Sadly we lost him when he was only 58. That’s him there, seated in the middle. [I was directed to this pic by my friend James Maliszewski (of Grognardia, Dwimmermount and The Excellent Travelling Volume).] Note the moustache. I’m celebrating mister Moldvay’s birthday… Read more »

Younger Sindbad

Posted by & filed under BLATHER, D&D, Dungeon Crawl, Lamentations, Moldvay, Swords & Wizardry.

For those of you who like your Giants in the Earth a bit leaner, here’s a younger Sindbad the Seaman. This version’s timed to possibly his second, but probably his third, voyage. Sindbad the Seaman-young01 If you really want to jazz him up you can give him a flying carpet or dancing scimitar or something…. Read more »