What if that “cloud of space radiation” was in fact …

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Metamorphosis Alpha, Rogue Trader, Roleplay, Skirmish, X-plorers.

the Eye of Terror? I mean, this … looks a lot like this: I’m thinking temporal anomaly combined with dimension shift or parallel jump. A world without string! It’s a cool way to set some Rogue Trader skirmish gaming or X-plorers roleplaying in a new environment. If this idea is good enough for Star Trek,… Read more »

Metamorphosis Beta

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Metamorphosis Alpha, Roleplay.

Combining “An Alternate Beginning Sequence for Metamorphosis Alpha” (from Dragon #6) with Justifiers and X-plorers gives players another pretty damn cül option for character type: animals bioengineered to anthropomorphic intelligence. Think the wake-up scene in Aliens but with monkeys and tigers instead of Hicks and Hudson. Whereas the Clones of of the Alpha Protocol were… Read more »

The Mind of Mindok!

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Mod, Mutant Future, TV.

My favourite Wizard from Thundarr the Barbarian is, bar none, Mindok the Mind Menace from the ep of the same name. Watch it now: https://vimeo.com/74576744 Go ahead, I’ll wait. Done? Cül. OK so I’ve wanted a fig of Mindok for a good long while. I despaired of ever having one but then I discovered this… Read more »

Because you demanded it!

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Metamorphosis Alpha, Ours, Roleplay.

Not really. More like just ’cause I wanna. Well that and, amazingly, nobody* has seen fit to inject chickens — by far Earth’s most domesticated bird — into Metamorphosis Alpha. Weird right? Chickenoids in Metamorphosis Alpha Number Appearing:  2-6 (2d3) Armour Class:           8 Move yds/turn:          12 Hit Dice:          … Read more »

Go Team One-eye!

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Writ Fict.

So this just happened: It’s pretty cool if you like cults, caves and monsters. And if you don’t why are you here? But more importantly, this: Go team Cyclops!

Cyclopic Chickens Redux

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Collection Stats, Mutants and Death Ray Guns, Ours.

Interloper’s two packs of Chickens — Robot-Hunters and Cocked Rifles — give you six foul fowl with which you can terrorize everything from meat packing plants to mutated garden plants with equal vigour. And playing them in MDRG as a fixed race or species — instead of as an assortment of randomized mutated animals —… Read more »