Green Team form a stack before breaching the notorious brothel The Honeypot Hideout. Skelias advances ahead of Gundalf while Heston covers the rear. Skelias is from this range (top right on that page). He looks undead but isn’t. His flesh, blood and organs are transparent. Walks around naked all the time; he digs it. (Edit:… Read more »
Every Man’s a Module
My wife and I were awake one Saturday morning and she commented my body could be an adventure where at the end the treasure – the jewels – are guarded by an anaconda (her words). Later I got to thinking. I have a couple of tattoos, a leprechaun and a mad hatter. Well, what if… Read more »
A quick ‘shop of a mutant spotted aboard the Warden: Parts here, here and here.
He Wanders the Wasteland …
… laser-blade in hand! Sculpted by Paul Muller.
Metamorphosis Alpha 1st Ed. KS
\m/ MetAl \m/ You have three days. Go: Metamorphosis Alpha Pledge. Mutate.