They’ve Reached Vancouver

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Encounter Critical, Writ Fict.

  Remember a few years ago when I was banging on about Vanpires? [HERE and HERE] Well … Spotted at dusk last night. Oh, and back in ’06 I had a short story published in Neo-Opsis Science Fiction Magazine. Seems like the right time to mention it; it’s called “N0S 4A2.”

Christmas in July … in SPAAAAACE!

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Christmas!, Ours.

  I’ve had this collection of Saints Nick for a while: But for the longest time someone was missing. This guy: If you haven’t seen it yet, I recommend going over to take a long loving look at Pulp Covers’ page devoted to Galaxy Science Fiction’s 1950s Christmas covers. Ed “Emsh” Emshwiller does the interstellar… Read more »