Tomb of Horrors In Space

Posted by & filed under BLOG, Kickstarter, Metamorphosis Alpha.


\m/ !!! MOAR MetAl !!! \m/

DOOM ON THE WARDEN, for Metamorphosis Alpha

You’ve only got a few days left to get in on the massacre adventure. So what are you waiting for?

They’re making two new colour bands for this (scroll down; bottom of The Stretch Goals; right before Add-Ons): Bioscience is one; the other is Military Command.

And get this, while chatting in the comments I learned that the Command Band I received when I backed the deluxe hardcover Kickstarter a few years ago is one of only four. I had no idea! Check it out:

You’reĀ my megalict now!

[Edit: Turns out there are at leastĀ SEVEN Command Bands. Still. Pretty cool.]

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